Flags for Heroes 2023

For the fourth consecutive year, the Rotary Club of West Shore will honor those who inspire us to be better people. People who live the motto "Service above self;" who face adversity and still go on. Our HEROES.
Whether it's first responders, those who continue to show up, military personnel, delivery drivers, caregivers, those battling illness, veterans, those who fight for others, family members, or friends, we want to Honor, Encourage, Recognize, and Offer our thanks to you.
Due to the positive feedback of the flag display, this year's event will begin Labor Day weekend, and flags will remain on display until the end of September. The RCWS extends a huge THANK YOU to the Penn Harris Hotel for providing the display site this year!
- $100 Hero │ Single flag honoring your hero
- $250 Friend of Rotary │ Three (3) flags honoring your heroes and social media recognition
- $500 Bronze │ Six (6) flags honoring your heroes, social media and event page recognition, corporate social media link, recognition at dedication ceremony; logo recognition on event signage
- $1,000 Silver │ Ten (10) flags honoring your heroes, all of the above PLUS 50% discount on RCWS dues for one-year
- $1,500 Gold │ Fifteen (15) flags honoring your heroes, all of the above PLUS honorary one-year membership in RCWS; logo recognition on event banner
- $2,500 Paul Harris Platinum │ Twenty (20) flags honoring your heroes, all of the above PLUS master sponsor at dedication ceremony with speaking opportunity at event
Flags remain the property of the Rotary Club of West Shore at the event's conclusion. Upon request, the RCWS will provide to the sponsor a Certificate of Heroism in their honoree's name.
In addition to honoring your hero, Flags for Heroes allows the Rotary Club of West Shore to thank those who give selflessly while continuing to support local projects and initiatives. Proceeds from the 2022 event went to support the following organizations:
- Camp Hill Parks and Recreation
- Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland and Perry Counties
- Family Promise Harrisburg Capital Region
- The Lion Foundation (Earl Besch Fund)
- Salvation Army Harrisburg Capital Region
- Youth Leadership Training at Messiah University
Over the past four years, the RCWS has used proceeds to support the Camp Hill Fire Department | Friends of the West Shore Theatre | Hope Walks | Vickie’s Angel Foundation | New Hope Ministries | Rotary Veterans Initiative | Mission Central | Local elementary schools through the donation of books, dictionaries, and technology | Ongoing support of polio eradication
Sponsors, heroes, family, friends, and the public are invited to join us as we dedicate our flags and honor our heroes. The event is scheduled from 1:00 - 2:00 pm
on Monday, September 11, 2023 at the Camp Hill United Methodist Church Wesley Center located at 417 South 22nd Street in Camp Hill, PA.

WHTM-TV anchor Dennis Owens has agreed to emcee our event for the third year in a row. Dennis understands all that goes into being a hero, including the sacrifices they make. He did a phenomenal job at the previous dedication ceremonies (viewable on the RCWS Facebook page), and we are delighted that he is able to join us again.

We're also excited to welcome Tracey C. Jones as our featured speaker this year! Tracey is nationally known for her leadership expertise, as well as her ability to connect on a core level with her audiences. You can learn more about Tracey by visiting her website; you will not be disappointed.