Flags for Heroes 2022
Heroes come in all shapes, sizes, and vocations. COVID-19 expanded our concept of a hero with the term "essential worker." Whether it's a cashier, first responder, military personnel,
delivery driver, caregiver, veteran, family member, or a friend, we all have someone who inspires us to be a better person; someone who lives the motto "Service above self;" someone who faces adversity and still goes on; someone who is our HERO.

The Rotary Club of West Shore invites you to honor that person (or persons) through our premier fundraising event, Flags for Heroes. By sponsoring a flag in your hero's name, you will join with hundreds of others in making a bold statement that says:
We Honor you, Hero.
We Encourage you, Hero.
We Recognize you, Hero.
We Offer thanks to you, Hero.
- $100 Hero │ Single flag honoring your hero
- $250 Friend of Rotary │ Three (3) flags honoring your heroes and Facebook recognition
- $500 Bronze │ Six (6) flags honoring your heroes, Facebook and event page recognition, corporate social media link, recognition at dedication ceremony; logo recognition on event signage
- $1,000 Silver │ Ten (10) flags honoring your heroes, all of the above PLUS 50% discount on RCWS dues for one-year
- $1,500 Gold │ Fifteen (15) flags honoring your heroes, all of the above PLUS honorary one-year membership in RCWS; logo recognition on event banner
- $2,500 Paul Harris Platinum │ Twenty (20) flags honoring your heroes, all of the above PLUS master sponsor at dedication ceremony with speaking opportunity at event.
- Gold and Platinum sponsors receive additional recognition with a smaller display of flags and event banner on Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day.

Flags are on display for the dates listed and remain the property of the Rotary Club of West Shore at the event's conclusion. Each sponsor receives a Certificate of Heroism that is suitable for framing.
In addition to honoring your hero, Flags for Heroes allows the Rotary Club of West Shore to thank those who give selflessly while continuing to support local projects and initiatives. Proceeds from the event have benefitted and continue to help the following organizations:

- Camp Hill Fire Department towards the purchase of training equipment
- The Salvation Army Harrisburg Capital City Region to support their programs
- Friends of the West Shore Theatre towards the restoration and renovation of the Theatre
- Earl Besch Fund Back Pack Program, providing food and household items to needy families in the Camp Hill area
- Vickie’s Angel Foundation, providing financial help to individuals and families fighting cancer
- New Hope Ministries, providing food and basic need support for low-income families, programs for at-risk children, and workforce development programs
- Rotary Veterans Initiative, helping veterans succeed by supporting their education, training, and job search opportunities
- Mission Central, connecting resources with needs
- Local elementary schools through the donation of books, dictionaries, and technology
- Ongoing support of polio eradication
Sponsors, heroes, family, friends, and the public are invited to join us as we dedicate our flags and honor our heroes. The event is scheduled from 11:00 am - Noon on Monday, September 12, 2022, at the Penn Harris Hotel.

WHTM-TV anchor Dennis Owens has agreed to emcee our event for the second year in a row. Dennis understands all that goes into being a hero, including the sacrifices they make. He did a phenomenal job at the 2021 dedication ceremony (viewable on the RCWS Facebook page), and we are delighted that he is able to join us again.
Schedule of events:
- Presentation of Colors - Redland High School JROTC
- Welcome
- Pledge of Allegiance
- National Anthem - Matthew A. Robinson, Baritone
- Remarks
- Dave Apgar, Camp Hill Fire Department
- Paul Harris Platinum Sponsor - Mr. Scott Schultz, Members 1st Federal Credit Union
- H. Rod Hite, Immediate Past President, RCWS
- God Bless America - Matthew A. Robinson, Baritone
- Moment of Silence for Heroes
- Taps / Dismissal - William Stowman, Chair, Music Department at Messiah University